
Showing posts from December, 2018

Wheel Spacer - Some Myths & Facts

Wheel Spacers have always been bewilderment between us. Whether or not to install a wheel spacer in the vehicle is always the major issue for many drivers; because, there always are some myths behind every perplexity. Wheel spacer too has many myths that you might have been listening for years. A wheelspacer adapter may and may not enhance your vehicle's performance. So let's get to know what truth is and what is not by exploring the myths of wheel spacer right now! Myth#1: Wheel Spacer can Bend the Wheel Stud No, a wheel spacer passes a load to the hub and axel through clamped force. Hence, there is no way you can bend the wheel stud through a spacer. It's not simply possible to bend the sturdy wheel studs by generating a torque on some pieces of aluminum. It's possible to bend the wheel studs only by a wrong torque or putting pressure on the loose stud. So if you are performing any of these practices, chances are that the wheel stud might get...